
Die Wilderin

At the end of the 19th century a notorious female poacher caused havoc in the Tyrolean Alps, they called her the „Floitenschlagstaude“. She battled for the survival of her family and rebelled against rich landowners and the aristocracy. Even if the “Staude” is no longer alive today, the tales and anecdotes of her exploits told amongst the inhabitants of the area still prevail. Using these legends the film resurrects the myth of this female gun‑slinger, to give new life to her story.

ClientServus TV, RAI Alto Adige
Production CompanyFachhochschule Salzburg
ProducerPaul Rose
DirectorPaul Rose & Jonas Julian Köck
ScreenplayJonas Julian Köck
DOPJacob Dietz
EditorTobias Wilhelmer
MusicMarko Sulz

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